Salford Zine Library

Northwest Zinefest 2015

We’re less than a month away from the first ever Northwest Zinefest, a guaranteed day of fun that we’re helping our friends from The Chapess Zine and Mythologising Me organise. It’s going to be at the Star and Garter pub in Manchester on May 30th. It’s free entry (although we’ll be collecting donations for the zine library if you’re feeling generous).

Stallholders and workshops are getting announced very soon, so keep an eye on the zinefest’s various social media accounts for all the latest news.

Facebook event

We’ll be exhibiting some of the zine library collection at the event too and there’ll be some room upstairs to have a sit down and read some zines. We have total control of the PA so there’ll be loads of good music on too: so far I’m thinking Trash Kit, Trust Fund, Martha and Adam Rickitt. Let us know if there’s anything you really want to hear!

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